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Virtual internship experiences and advice from fellow Hotelie classmates

Virtual internship Tips!
  1. Take initiative and offer your help to anyone who seems like they need it

  2. There are no stupid questions until you graduate. Ask. Don’t be afraid to look silly. You are there to learn!

  3. Even though it is virtual the same tip applies: work late, work hard, put in 120%

  4. Understand your value proposition

  5. Be cross-functional and adaptable 

  6.  Always go the extra mile

  7. Find out which mode of communication your coworkers and superiors most frequently use and adapt that as your main for communication

  8.  Branch outside your comfort zone, the only way to grow is to explore jobs where you try new things

  9. Find what makes you unique: this may sound totally cliche but take some time to truly think about what you are passionate about or what you like to do in your spare time. Recruitment is always about standing out, and recruiters can usually tell if you are faking it just to impress them. I have had friends who land finance job offers because they were a memorable candidate who shared tips on how to make the most perfect sponge cake. So just be yourself!

  10. Don't compare yourself to others. This can be hard to do sometimes when everyone is talking about their internship applications and opportunities, but remember to focus on yourself because everyone is on their own personal tracks

White Structure

Class of 2022

Corporate Food and Beverage Intern,

Highway West Vacations

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Class of 2022

Software Engineering Intern, Charles River Development

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Class of 2023

Hospitality Investment Sales Intern,

 Hodges Ward Elliott

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Class of 2023

Digital Marketing Intern,

Liz Caskey Culinary and Wine Experiences

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Class of 2023

Customer Service Agent,

Boutique Air

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Class of 2022

Capital Markets Intern, CBRE

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Class of 2023

Food and Beverage Intern,

Wings Over

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Class of 2021

Acquisitions & Asset Management Intern,

Sage Hospitality Group

(Investments Team)

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White Structure

Class of 2022

CRM Summer Analyst,

Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate M3 Realty


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