Humans of Statler: Henry Foote

After his first semester at Statler, Henry Foote decided to take four years off from college. He took this time to grow and develop as a person, exploring the nation, and picking up new passions along the way. Originally from New York City, Henry moved to Dallas, Texas and lived there for almost four years working in the specialty coffee industry. He worked as everything from a barista to manager, but decided to return to Cornell last December to finish his degree. He is completing the Beverage Concentration and hopes to one day combine his love of old motorcycles and good drinks into one concept.
What is your favorite class?
“I don’t even have to think about it: Beverage Management. That class is amazing! Cheryl Stanley is a fantastic teacher. It’s super down to Earth. I joke that it is the only class in the hotel school that you will make your money back on considering the quality of alcohol, wines, and spirits we taste. It’s worth your money. It’s also very challenging.”
What’s your favorite restaurant in Collegetown?
“I am going to go with Collegetown pizza because they are pretty solid, and they are open pretty late.”
Who is your hero?
“My hero is Brian Canlis. I think I can say that without hesitating. He is one of the two Canlis brothers who owns Canlis in Seattle. I just think about his character, the way he runs his business, the way he treats his staff, the way he mentors others: if I could be half the businessman and half the boss he is, I would be super stoked.”
What is something most people don’t know about you?
“I have a twin sister; her name is Madeline. She is fantastic.”
Where do you imagine yourself living after graduation?
“Oh, that is the question. There are two possibilities. One is Dallas, Texas, I have a wonderful community of people over there, so that would be a good place to explore. However, I am dying to explore the Pacific Northwest. I would love to make it out there.”
What is the luckiest thing to have happened to you?
“I’ve been in two motorcycle accidents, and in neither instance, was I injured in anyway, so that is extremely lucky.”
What is your favorite song?
The Season/Carry Me by Anderson Paak.
What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
“Work at a restaurant as a server. I think everyone should have the experience of waiting on other people. It gives you a kind of appreciation and a type of empathy for others. Especially for those unseen, the bussers, the cooks, etc. I think everyone should have the experience of working at not such a glamorous restaurant for just one summer.”
What is your favorite part about Cornell?
“I think I really appreciate the vast variety of things you can study here. If I had unlimited time or more importantly, unlimited money there are so many degrees I would want to pursue here. “