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BEST SPOTS in Statler/Cornell

Cornell is such a beautiful campus, and there are so many hidden treasures within campus for both studying and grabbing food.


Best Spots for Studying

1.Statler library (of course!) As a hotelie, it is inevitable that you’ll end up studying at Statler library because most of your classes are in the same building. The tables are huge and there is ample space for you to spread out and get comfortable. However, it does get loud pretty easily as everyone collaborates on group projects and different assignments. If it does get too loud, you can always book a room inside the library or head on over to the lounge, which is right across the hall.

2.There are cubbies that you can study in on the second and third floors of Statler Hall. These cubbies are really effective if you’re trying to get in mega study mode as you are blocked off from others around you. Personally, I discovered these second semester, and I’ve realized that these cubbies have helped me finish my work much faster and in a much more efficient manner. I would definitely recommend going to the cubbies if you’re trying to get some quality studying in on your own.

3.The Cocktail Lounge in Uris Library has a ton of big tables and sofas that you can get comfortable in. This facility is usually very quiet and a popular place during finals season, so if you want a good spot, make sure to head on over early! Inside Uris Library is one of Cornell’s most notable locations, which is the A.D. White Library. Many say that this library reminds them of Harry Potter because of the décor, and it is definitely a great place to crank out a lot of work because it is very conducive to studying.

Best Spots for Food

1.Macs Café is one of the most convenient places to get food because it is located on the Ground Level of Statler Hall. With that being said, most hotel students just run down after their classes are over to grab a quick bite. Macs does get busy very quickly during peak hours, which is usually, so if you want something during this time, make sure to have what you want ready in mind so you can quickly get your food and avoid the traffic!

2.Terrace is also located on the Ground Floor of Statler Hall. Terrace offers a wide variety of food to choose from ranging from salads to burrito bowls to Asian noodle bowls. Whatever you’re craving on a certain day, Terrace probably has it. It is important to keep in mind that Terrace does close at, so if you have a class that ends slightly before this run on over and grab your fix.

3.Franny’s is a food truck located on North Campus behind the Architecture Building. Many people don’t really know about this food joint because it is hidden behind Milstein Hall, which is usually where all the Architecture students assemble. This truck offers Banh Mi sandwiches, Japanese Ramen, Korean Rice Bowls, and different Asian side dishes such as dumplings. In addition, they also have green juice if you feel like adding a healthy boost to your day! To top all this off, Franny’s does take BRBs, which makes life a whole lot easier. So if you live on North Campus and want to take a break from the usual Macs and Terrace, get some food from Franny’s and head on over to class!

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