What I'd Wish I'd Known
To all incoming Hotelies!
If you're struggling through your first semester, don't worry. I was an absolute mess first semester. Relax, breath, and learn from my mistakes.
1) Don't be afraid to try everything! I made the mistake of not trying out for clubs because I thought I wasn't good enough or had the right background to be a part of competitive clubs. It will pay off in the end if not the next semester.
2) Don't be shy. Talk to your classmates! Everyone in Statler wants to be your friend and become friends with you. Talk that extra step and introduce yourself to an upperclassmen. You might even get an internship. :)
3) Go to office hours. I cannot stress this enough. You are not "dumb" if you go to office hours. If anything, you're smart because you're getting ahead of the class and committing yourself to the material.
4) Meet professors. The professors are your friends and maybe your best friends. Interacting with them outside of class make class time even more fun. Go out and meet people like Professor Susskind or Professor McCarthy! They are pretty cool dudes.
5) Have fun. Go out to dinner in the Commons every once in a while. Take a bus ride to the Ithaca Mall to watch a movie. There are so many different things to do outside of Cornell that will take your mind off of school.
Put yourself out there and have no regrets. This will be your favorite semester yet.
Best of luck,
Josh Lin